Saturday, September 10, 2011

They're here!

Guess what arrived in my mail box today?!?  My patterns!  Whoo hoo!  Today is just getting better and better!  (A little off topic, but my day started out with the Warrior Dash. Oh my goodness, if you haven't been, you've gotta go!  Tops my list as one of the most fun things I've ever done!)

So here are my patterns:






And for my daughter's Halloween Costume...
She's going to be Alice, from Alice in Wonderland this year - I thought this was the perfect pattern!

Over labor day weekend, Vogue, McCalls, and Butterick were selling ALL of their patterns for $3.99, so with shipping, I got all of them for about $34.00!  Isn't that such a deal!!

I'm torn about which dress to sew first (besides the Halloween costume.  I gotta get on that one ASAP!)..  I'm thinking about going for the Butterrick wrap dress.  There's no zippers to mess with, so that might be a good thing since it's my first second dress.  (I'd like to call it my first dress, but that's not entirely true.  My first dress was another Halloween costume.  Back in my college days, I was Elle Woods from Legally Blonde.  I've gotta dig out pictures!  Let's just say this will be my first dress that I'll try to wear on a regular basis!).

Now the question is, do I brave Fabric Depot on my own with a crazy toddler and a baby??  Under normal circumstances, I would say "Heck no!"  ...but this weekend, all fabric is 35% off!!  I'm not sure if I can pass that up!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

So it begins...

I should probably start this blog with a little introduction and some reasoning behind my whole endeavor.  My name's Kori.  I'm an early thirties mother of two beautiful girls, ages two and five months.  My husband and I have been together since meeting in high school in1996 and married in 2005.

My rather obsessive personality, desire to look and dress more girly, and crafty inclinations, have lead me to beginning a journey to sew my own vintage inspired wardrobe and learn to quilt.  With a new baby, I had a lot of time to search through some amazing blogs this summer.  Armed with lots of inspiration and a slew of sewing patterns on the way, I'm ready to make things happen!

I'm ridiculously excited! <insert happy hop here>